e-ISSN: 2382-5014
Periodicity: Bi-anual
 Editor:  Ibelis C. Blanco Rangel 

The International Journal of Cooperation and Development is a meeting and multidisciplinary discussion place to analyze aspects related to international cooperation and sustainable human development, especially in the area of Latin America and the Caribbean, approached from academic research and targeting the improvement of both the theoretical understanding and the knowledge of reality itself.

This is an electronic publication for professionals and researchers in the social sciences interested in topics related to international cooperation and development, such as international politics, international law, forms and actors of cooperation, aid effectiveness, economy and trade rights, forced migration and armed conflict, migration, regional integration, global public goods, corporate global responsibility and human rights, education for development, among other topics. The publications are the result of research, reflection and revision and should make quality contributions to the analysis of cooperation and human development

Current Issues, Structural Challenges for International Cooperation

Temas coyunturales, desafíos estructurales para la Cooperación Internacional

Blanco-Rangel Ibelis

Article Visits 58 | PDF Visits 21

The Global Agenda, 2020-2024 in Crossroad: Between Global Development Cooperation and Military aid to Ukraine

Encrucijada en la agenda global 2020-2024: entre cooperación para el desarrollo mundial y la ayuda militar a Ucrania

Prado Lallende Juan Pablo

Article Visits 44 | PDF Visits 23

Recent Trends of Low-Skilled Nepalese Women’s Migration to India

Tendencias recientes de la migración de mujeres nepalesas poco cualificadas a la India

Poudyal Dinesh, Khadgi Nandita, Bajracharya Sushila, RajBhuju Dinesh

Article Visits 91 | PDF Visits 52

21-33 |

Autonomous Communities and Child Labor in the Period 2018-2022: the Relevance of Political Orientation in its Application

Comunidades Autónomas y trabajo infantil en el periodo 2018-2022: la relevancia de la orientación política en su aplicación

Pérez-Pineda Jorge Antonio, Pintor Pirzkall Heike Clara

Article Visits 64 | PDF Visits 29

Internationalization in Ecuadorian higher education. Descriptive analysis

Internacionalización de la educación superior ecuatoriana. Análisis descriptivo

Pinos Montenegro Judith, Zurita Altamirano Julio

Article Visits 74 | PDF Visits 41

Higher Education and Inclusion: a Case Study of University Social Responsibility

Educación superior e inclusión: un estudio de caso de Responsabilidad Social Universitaria

Brunal Schoonewolff Carolina, Ortegón Polo Pierina, Rodríguez Albor Gustavo

Article Visits 105 | PDF Visits 44

Artistic practices: instrument for achieving projects objectives in International Cooperation

Prácticas artísticas: instrumento para el logro de objetivos de proyectos en Cooperación Internacional

Simanca Acosta Sandra, Zúñiga Muñoz Manuel Antonio, Pardo Gomez Jerry

Article Visits 152 | PDF Visits 46

Beyond Ideals: United States and European Union Foreign Policy in Colombia (1998-2016)

Reseña más allá de los ideales. la política de ayuda exterior de Estados Unidos y la Unión Europea en Colombia (1998-2016)

Pineda Ahumada Steffy

Article Visits 70 | PDF Visits 20

Humanism and person: interdisciplinary laboratory

Humanismo y persona: laboratorio interdisciplinario

Bello Guerrero Alejandra

Article Visits 38 | PDF Visits 26

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