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Grajales Usuga, Martha Elena. 2022. “Emotions and Their Moral and Political Relevance”. Franciscanum 64 (178). https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.5645.
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This paper aims to analyze the current theories of emotions by Agnes Heller, Martha Nussbaum and Peter Hacker and the arguments they propose to rehabilitate emotions within the moral and political field. The analysis consists of four moments: first, analyses the arguments that the three philosophers propose to support the idea that emotions are important to survival and development of human life. Second, it explains what the authors mean by defining emotions as cognitive phenomena. Third, it shows the incidence of society and culture in learning and in the experience of emotions.  Based on the previous clarifications, the fourth section explains more clearly the interweaving between emotions, morals and politics. The main conclusions are that despite the conceptual and methodological differences between the three philosophers, their work allows to draw coincidences and complements that give solid support to the thesis that emotions are essential for human life and its moral and political behavior. It also concludes that the results of this dialogue are a conceptual framework that can guide more specific work on the relationship of the affective world and the social and political world.



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