

How to Cite
Pignalitti, David Antonio. 2023. “Philosophical Roots of a Provocative Presence in today’s World: The Philosophical Reflection on Pope Francis”. Franciscanum 65 (179). https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.5933.
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This analysis reveals the main philosophical influences observable in the thought and praxis of Pope Francis, as well as offering a systematic outline of the strictly philosophical categories present in the structure of his reflection in general. At first, the questioned premise of the possibility of formally identifying a philosophical thought in the pontiff is founded and demonstrated. Then a reconstruction of the notions implied by the philosophical category of polar tension is proposed, which, in a certain sense, structures all of Pope Bergoglio's reflection. The notion of polar tension, or contrast, is offered as an adequate meaning for concrete existence, capable of accepting and affirming the oppositions of existence as they actually occur, in a dialectic of non-contradictory opposites. Francis proposes the category of overflow as an explanation of the overcoming, unpredictable and novel synthesis that occurs between the opposites of existence when they are approached dialogically.



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