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Brandão de Oliveira, Samuel. 2024. “Análise Da relação Intertextual Entre Is 52,13-53,12 E Mc 14,24//Mt 26,28 Para Uma Melhor compreensão Do Pro Multis”. Franciscanum 66 (181):1-44. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.6962.
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When observing the translations of the institutional anaphoric account of the third typical edition of the Roman Missal in the various vernacular languages, it is noted that there is no longer a consensus regarding the translation of the expression Pro Multis as there was in the translations of previous editions. This expression has its origins in the “Fourth Poem of the Servant” by Isaiah and is used in the words spoken over the chalice in the institutional narrative of Mark and Matthew, establishing an intertextual relationship. This article aims to be a contribution that deepens the comprehension of this relationship for a better understanding of the Pro Multis, with no intention, however, of presenting a definitive solution to the questions that involve its translation. For this, it is proposed to present the main points that encompasses the debate regarding the referred translation; to validate the intertextual relationship between the Isaiah text and the New Testament texts that are the object of this study through appropriate criteria; to search, in the Old Testament context of the Hebrew term, that was translated as Multi, its original meaning and, in possession of these data, to verify what meaning the term acquires and what meaning-effects this intertextual relationship produces in the words pronounced over the chalice in Mark and Matthew and in the liturgy of the Latin Church.


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