

How to Cite
Gómez Rincón, Carlos Miguel. 2013. “Catholicity As a Dialogical Task. Challenges and Tasks of Catholic Universities in Post-Secular Societies”. Franciscanum 55 (159):201-19. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.825.
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This article investigates the challenges Catholic universities must face in post-secular societies. The first part deals with the relationship between religion and modernity, arguing that secularization has led towards a transformation of religion and its place in society, rather than to its total overcoming. One of the main transformations of the relationship between society and religion brought about by secularization is the emergence of a new horizon of understanding characterized by the pluralistic and post-metaphysical character of belief (religious or
otherwise). Then, the second part analyses the consequences these two characteristics bring for the tasks of Catholic universities, traditionally understood as the promotion of the dialogue between faith, reason and culture. Finally, the article argues that the present predicament demands this dialogue to be understood as an intercultural endeavour.



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