

How to Cite
Sánchez Castelblanco, Wilton Gerardo. 2012. “«Let Burning Flames Come down on Them» (Ps 140,11). Exegetical Commentary of Psalm 140”. Franciscanum 54 (158):299-331. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.892.
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The article seeks to illuminate the reality of domestic violence
and global perspective of Psalm 140. It is developed in four parts:
The first section presents and analyzes the main philological and textual difficulties of Psalm 140 and a solution based on the arguments presented there is proposed. In the second part the structure of the psalm is presented as well as the elements on which it is based. The third part contains the exegesis of the text according to, especially, the synchronous method of literary and narrative analysis. The fourth part is the conclusion where the synthesis of the main points emerging from the analysis theological exegesis is presented.



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