

How to Cite
Zapata, Guillarmo. 2011. “Evil Challenges the Reason and the Politic Condition”. Franciscanum 53 (156):211-37. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.918.
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The question that drives our thinking is this: Where does evil
come from? Based on Ricoeur, like other thinkers, evil shows up as embedded in the non-coincidence between the person and himself. From this shortcoming inherent into the human condition, let us take a further step toward its possible intelligibility. It is an essential condition for the reflection on evil, to go through the symbolic language of evil, which ranges both from purity to guilt and from myth to the reflecting consciousness upon the hard difficult forgiveness. However, for today’s man, evil is still a present fact in his history of calamities. On bringing evil face to face with power, still at the politic sphere, the coming up of evil becomes a suffered one, an underwent one, handled by the power itself pushing it unto making it a forgotten evil. It is necessary to make up an analytical horizon for interpreting evil by means of hermeneutics that allows us to transform evil with another kind of power, which, according to P. Ricoeur, is being able to narrate, to forgive, that is something still unforeseen today.



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