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Mejía Goez, Álvaro De Jesús. 2010. “Hacia Una eclesiología Fundamental Latinoamericana. Un diagnóstico eclesiológico después De Medellín (1968)”. Franciscanum 52 (153):127-57. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.936.
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As a result of the implementation of the Second Vatican Council in Latin America, a renovation movement of Theology and of the Church started in the 60’s and 70’s in this continent, when ecclesiological problems studied in this article were frequent. More than 40 years after the Conference of Medellin, and after the celebration of the Conferences of Puebla, Santo Domingo and Aparecida, the ecclesiological diagnosis in this continent must assume a different level in the discussion and must pay attention to other realities in the ecclesiological construction. The credibility of the Church, as a
component of this reflection, is offered for the consideration of readers of this article.



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