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Martínez Lirola, M. (2021). Cooperative Learning and Development of Social Competences: examples from an English Language Classroom. Revista Guillermo De Ockham, 19(1), 39–54. https://doi.org/10.21500/22563202.4635 (Original work published May 31, 2021)
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This article intends to be a contribution to a teaching-learning process that promotes an active methodology in which students are the protagonists and acquire competences. This paper presents some cooperative activities on social topics that contribute to the acquisition of social competences, and it shows how these activities promote the acquisition of these competences. The objectives of this research are to make a proposal for cooperative activities that contribute to the acquisition of social competences and to know the opinion of university students about certain aspects of the teaching-learning process through a survey. The methodology is qualitative-descriptive. Some cooperative social-thematic activities that contribute to the acquisition of social competences such as communication and cooperation are presented. This article will explore how the cooperative methodology proposed involves changes in the roles of teachers and students as both have to share the spotlight and work with the said competences. Students completed a survey at the end of the semester in order to observe the main competences they had acquired and to know what they thought about the methodology used. The results show that students value the use of a cooperative methodology that enhances the acquisition of competences.



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