Philosophy, science, and technology. A tribute to the philosopher Evandro Agazzi


“It would take us too far to analyze the causes of this cultural phenomenon which, in substance, is a consequence of the great social prestige that science has acquired [...] from its impressive technological applications. In the wake of these often unforeseen and astonishing applications, there gradually came about an almost complete identification between science and technology, accompanied by a similar identification of the very idea of progress with technological development.”

Evandro Agazzi, The Knowledge of the Invisible.



The Revista Guillermo de Ockham is a biannual publication for academic and scientific communities nationally and internationally. It is an interdisciplinary space for disseminating studies that explore the various fields of knowledge of the social and human sciences. The Journal aims to visualize the results of the research programs of the institutions involved in knowledge production, technological development, and innovation in Colombia and Latin America. Guillermo de Ockham is an open-access journal that does not charge article processing charges (APCs).

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About new editorial proposals for publication.

Considerations on Philosophy, Science and Technology

Consideraciones en torno a la filosofía, ciencia y tecnología

Guerrero Pino Germán, Rengifo Castañeda Carlos Adolfo

Article Visits 93 | PDF Visits 72

1-4 |

Assessing Value-Laden Technology

Evaluar la tecnología cargada de valor

Niiniluoto Ilkka

Article Visits 80 | PDF Visits 74

5-17 |

Imagination in Scientific Reasoning: Theoretical Innovation and Scientific Explanation on the Example of Atomic Physics

Imaginación en el razonamiento científico: innovación teórica y explicación científica en el ejemplo de la física atómica

Rivadulla Andrés

Article Visits 117 | PDF Visits 51

19-39 |

Technical Systems in Research: Articulating Quintanilla’s Philosophy of Technique with Chang’s New Pragmatist Philosophy

Sistemas técnicos en la investigación: articulando la filosofía de la técnica de Quintanilla con la nueva filosofía pragmatista de Chang

Giri Leandro

Article Visits 68 | PDF Visits 39

41-54 |

From Causes to Laws of Nature: Aristotle, Descartes, and Newton

De las causas a las leyes de la naturaleza: Aristóteles, Descartes y Newton

Guerrero Pino Germán

Article Visits 128 | PDF Visits 72

55-73 |

Divergences in Diagnosis: Medicine and Nursing. A Kuhnian Analysis

Divergencias en el diagnóstico: medicina y enfermería. Un análisis kuhniano

Federico Lucía

Article Visits 57 | PDF Visits 28

75-88 |

Epistemological, Ontological, and Axiological Implications Derived from the Science-Technology Relationship

Implicaciones epistemológicas, ontológicas y axiológicas derivadas de la relación ciencia y tecnología

Hernández Mora Luis Humberto, Rengifo Castañeda Carlos Adolfo, Solís Cuenú Favio

Article Visits 116 | PDF Visits 79

89-102 |

A Structuralist Approach to the Philosophy of Mind

Una aproximación estructuralista a la filosofía de la mente

Soto Betancourt Jorge Iván, Cárdenas Castañeda Leonardo

Article Visits 99 | PDF Visits 53

103-116 |

Is the Fear that Machines Might Become our Masters Philosophically Well Grounded?

¿El temor a que las máquinas lleguen a dominarnos está bien fundamentado filosóficamente?

Flórez Quintero Daian Tatiana, García Duque Carlos Emilio

Article Visits 70 | PDF Visits 75

117-133 |

A Systemic Approach to Bioethics of the Environment and Complexity

Un enfoque sistémico de la bioética del medioambiente y la complejidad

Velázquez Lourdes, Agazzi Evandro

Article Visits 93 | PDF Visits 59

135-145 |

Eliminative Reductions and the Reduction of Pre-Newtonian Shock Mechanics to Classical Mechanics

Reducciones eliminativas y la reducción de la mecánica del choque prenewtoniana a la mecánica clásica

O'Lery María de las Mercedes

Article Visits 61 | PDF Visits 29

147-156 |

About Extensional Equivalence Between Epistemic Representations and Representation-As

Sobre la equivalencia extensional entre la representación epistémica y la representación-como

Racines Correa Jairo Isaac

Article Visits 85 | PDF Visits 41

157-171 |

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