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The aim of the research was to analyze and evaluate the existing literature on eWOM by means of a bibliometric analysis, which included important scientific mapping tools. Thus, a bibliographic search was carried out in the Scopus database, which yielded 841 publications, which were analyzed on the basis of three types of indicators: quantity, quality and structural. Likewise, to achieve a better visualization of the information, VOSviewer software was used to generate bibliometric networks of bibliographic coupling and co-occurrence of terms, with which the main areas of research were identified. Based on the above, it became evident that the studies in eWOM have had a progressive growth in the last 5 years, which have been led by developed countries such as the United States, Taiwan and Spain; however, there is little representation of Latin American countries. Finally, based on a qualitative analysis of the most recent literature, future lines of research for the development of complementary studies were identified.
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