

How to Cite
Arcand, S., Caicedo-Muñoz, S., & Sionnière, J. (2022). Colombian humanitarian interorganizational coordination for Venezuelan refugee women. Revista Guillermo De Ockham, 20(1), 111–128. https://doi.org/10.21500/22563202.5521 (Original work published March 16, 2022)
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Migratory crises, the increase in refugee women, and the role of humanitarian aid to populations affected by exceptional situations implies generating, in humanitarian organizations, gender studies in the management of migratory crises in extreme contexts, based on effective coordination.

This article qualitatively analyzes the interorganizational coordination through the internal and external relational structures of the different challenges of a Colombian NGO that provides shelter and receives Venezuelan refugee women, from the perspective of third-generation public policy implementation studies.

The results allow the proposal of an interorganizational analysis model for the management of humanitarian aid in migratory crises of refugee women, with the participation of multiple stakeholders (States, NGOs, international organizations).



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