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Chaverra-Fernández, D. I., Calle-Álvarez, G. Y., Hurtado Vergara, R. D., & Bolívar-Buriticá, W. A. (2023). Viability at University Digital Writing Center: Students’ Perspective. Revista Guillermo De Ockham, 21(1), 97–111. https://doi.org/10.21500/22563202.5564 (Original work published November 10, 2022)
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This article presents the results derived from a study aimed at establishing the technical and pedagogical components involved in the design and operation of a Digital Writing Center (DWC). Based on a descriptive cross-sectional mixed method design, the perceptions, knowledge, opinion and experience of undergraduate students at University of Antioquia, Colombia were analyzed. In a first moment of initial exploration, from a diagnostic questionnaire applied to 58 students and a second moment of exploration of the operation of the platform, from the registration of 122 users participating in writing workshops. The results show the potential of the DWC for improving academic writing during the professional training process of students, the possibilities and limitations for its implementation considering didactic, technical and academic characteristics that contribute to the design of the model for its operation. In conclusion, the DWC is assumed as a transversal and institutional strategy, which overcomes the remedial perspective of students' academic writing problems, focusing on the human, academic and scientific dimensions of professional training.



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