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Jiménez-Yañez, C., Martínez-Soto, Y., & Rosas-Martínez, P. (2022). Violence on the journey. Graphic expressions of undocumented migrants in northern Mexico. Revista Guillermo De Ockham, 20(1), 129–142. https://doi.org/10.21500/22563202.5625 (Original work published March 16, 2022)
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Referring to undocumented migration in northern Mexico is to talk about violence. Every year, thousands of people migrate irregularly, starting their journey from the south to the north on a train (The Beast) and risking their lives in search of better opportunities that their places of origin cannot offer them. It is in this journey that migrants must face a series of problems, dangers, abuses, and violence that expose a palpable but politically silenced reality. The objective of this work is to identify, through drawings, the most significant elements of the experience of undocumented migrants in northern Mexico and their relationship with the violence experienced. Therefore, this article addresses the concepts of undocumented migration and violence from the theoretical discussion, contrasting them with the experience of the migrants themselves and their drawings. The research was carried out in three cities in northern Mexico and included the participation of 39 undocumented migrants, who drew what they perceive for migration based on their experiences. The drawings showed that transit through Mexico is marked by different forms of abuse, violence, and human rights violations, establishing a social paradox where the good ones are the "bad ones" and the bad ones are the "good ones."



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