

How to Cite
Quintero Barrera, R. P. (2023). Love Magic Promoted in Flyers: Ritual of Mooring. Revista Guillermo De Ockham, 21(1), 177–194. https://doi.org/10.21500/22563202.5703 (Original work published November 10, 2022)
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The purpose of this essay is to anthropologically interpret the messages and images of the flyers distributed in the streets to advertise the consumption of love magic. Its content is described and systematized, the role played by those who carry out the rituals and the loving ideals spread by those who market these cultural products is interpreted. The methodology focuses on the contrast of one hundred flyers collected in some colombian cities, during the last eight years. It was found that the street advertising of love magic is focused on the ritual of the mooring, which is not only desired by popular sectors, or by women exclusively, and that this resource of love assistance is frequented by various socioeconomic sectors of the population society; since each one finds administrators of the magical according to their respective cultural capitals. Love is one of the areas that deserves more attention in everyday life; in general terms, maintaining loving and sexual ties with a particular partner is a sophism of happiness and security for many people. The ritual of the mooring represents symbolic violence related to humiliation and domination. This topic is relevant since it innovates in the study of magic and religious syncretisms, by studying what the flyers say that offer the possibility of solving abandonment and infidelity through the resource of secret and distance mooring.



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