

How to Cite
Cuchumbé Holguín, N. J. (2023). Dialogical Perspective of Gadamer: Contribution to an Understanding of the Expansion of Memory Content. Revista Guillermo De Ockham, 21(2), 625–637. https://doi.org/10.21500/22563202.5863 (Original work published March 29, 2023)
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The objective is to highlight how, from Gadamer’s dialogical perspective, it is possible to contribute to an understanding of the expansion of the content of memory that is presented to social actors in their present, characterized by not attending to or listening to the experience of the other. The adopted methodological approach is comprehensive-interpretive, focused on the analysis of some elements that underlie the way Gadamer understands the concept of training and the way in which said thinker conceives the relationship between understanding and actualization. Two results stand out: (1) the historical and existential requirement that the formation and updating of memory presupposes finds its justification in the relationship between the different manifestations of the world built by others in the past and the permanent effort to conform memory according to the present; and (2) to speak of memory is to speak of equal responsibility in the task of confirming and renewing the past in the present, a relationship of co-implication that determines the mode of participation of a human being or social group in updating memory. It is concluded that any effort to expand the meaning of memory implies an experience of a different relationship with what is remembered from the past, which becomes possible if this relationship provokes a free contribution from the expectations that determine the receptors capable of renewing the content of memory. in another kind of productive sense.



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