

How to Cite
Fontaines Ruiz, T., & Martín-Fiorino, V. (2023). Interactional Discourse Analysis: A Proposal for Social Research. Revista Guillermo De Ockham, 21(2), 669–681. https://doi.org/10.21500/22563202.6415 (Original work published May 16, 2023)
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This research aims to explain how the structure and functioning of interactional discourse analysis can become a theoretical and methodological proposal for discourse study in social research. This analytical perspective focuses on people who interact discursively, making the text evidence of human intention at the moment of action. It also recognizes a real, situated dialogue, in which the existence of people in events is demonstrated; assumes that from speech acts, we could generate intentional and ideologically mediated evaluations, demonstrating that behind speech, there are power dynamics and resistances. We conclude that interactional discourse analysis offers an innovative alternative to recognize the meaning of texts from the positioning of their actors in action. This approach causes a shift in social reality readings, as it reveals potential tensions and perspectives to deepen phenomena of interest based on their actors and circumstances.



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