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Estermann, J. (2024). Intercultural Philosophy in the Face of Today’s Kulturkampf: The Challenges Posed by Authoritarian, Neo-Fascist, and Nationalist Tendencies to a True Intercultural Politician: Les défis posés par les tendances autoritaires, néo-fascistes et nationalistes à un véritable polylogue. Revista Guillermo De Ockham, 22(1), 147–159. https://doi.org/10.21500/22563202.6545 (Original work published February 12, 2024)
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Intercultural philosophy has evolved for more than 25 years since its beginnings. During this time, it has adapted to different social, political, and cultural contexts. Today, this context is increasingly characterized by a new edition of the Kulturkampf (cultural struggle) on a global, continental, and regional level, in Latin America. This “ideological” confrontation between a “democratic” and an “authoritarian” front masks, however, the real power relations. The dominant narrative of “values” in today’s world, present on both sides of the Kulturkampf, leads to a reduction of diversity, democratic participation, and the possibilities for critical intercultural dialogue. Intercultural philosophy must consider this new context, without becoming an accomplice or part of the aforementioned Kulturkampf. This can only be articulated with decolonial efforts, and critical and anti-patriarchal theories.



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