

How to Cite
Zapata Jiménez, M. alba. (2024). Ismophobia: A Reflection on Hate Today. Challenges in Latin America. Revista Guillermo De Ockham, 22(1), 171–186. https://doi.org/10.21500/22563202.6681 (Original work published February 19, 2024)
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In this paper, the term “ismophobia” is proposed as an umbrella concept to address the various manifestations of “isms” and “phobias” that reinforce the challenges of intersectionality in contemporary Latin American society. Merging “ism” and “phobia,” this neologism allows us to critically analyze and understand the multiple forms of hate and fear faced by human beings today. In this article, the problematics of ismophobia are approached from the perspective of intersectionality, highlighting three central axes: racism, transphobia and xenophobia. These case studies underline that ismophobia is not an isolated form of discrimination, but is intertwined with other axes of oppression, underscoring the urgent need for an intersectional approach to combat these manifestations of discrimination in Colombia. This analysis is enriched with key concepts such as Donna Haraway’s situated knowledge and Kimberlé Crenshaw’s intersectionality, crossed by the intercultural philosophy proposed by Raúl Fornet-Betancourt. To conclude, it is fundamental to adopt an intersectional approach to combat these manifestations of discrimination in Colombia and Latin America, challenging systemic roots and working collectively, towards a more inclusive and equitable society, where each individual is recognized and valued in their entirety.



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