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Man-organization is a concept proposed by Fromm, but little worked on by him or by psychoanalytic theory in general; however, when interpreted about Fromm's philosophy, it takes on a meaning different from being a mere reference in one of his essays. Therefore, based on the bibliographical-documentary method with a hermeneutic approach, the present research aims to demonstrate how this concept relates to the rest of Fromm's project of social psychoanalysis. To this end, the article is divided into three parts: the first develops the idea of destructiveness and its link to the man-organization; the second links the same concept to the syndrome of decadence; and the third delves into unconditional obedience and how it characterizes the concept in question. All this makes it possible to show how man-organization can be understood as a type of subjectivity that emerges between the transition from traditional Fordist capitalism to a new understanding of the human being as an enterprise of the self.
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