

How to Cite
Argyrides, M., Koundourou, C. ., Angelidou, A., & Anastasiades, E. . (2023). Body Image, Media Influences, and Situational Dysphoria in Individuals with Visible Physical Disabilities. International Journal of Psychological Research, 16(1), 78–88. https://doi.org/10.21500/20112084.6014
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Body image in individuals with visible physical disabilities appears to be an important area of research and investigation, which has received little attention over the years. The purpose of the current descriptive, cross-sectional study was to investigate relationships between the body image construct, possible media influences on body image satisfaction, self-esteem, and the novel variable of situational body image dysphoria in individuals with visible physical disabilities. One hundred fifty-four men and women responded to the measures of interest. Results indicated that appearance satisfaction, weight-related anxiety, pressures from the media, and the internalization of the thin ideal were significant predictors of situational body image dysphoria. Additionally, when controlling for type of disability, females face more difficulties concerning only some of the variables of interest. These findings have important implications for practice with regards to screening measures, the education of healthcare professionals, as well as intervention and rehabilitation programs.



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