Image credit Anastasiya Badun


How to Cite
Prado Rivera, M. A., Ortiz Hernandez, Y. A., Motta Tautiva, P. A., Garay Quevedo, O., & Guillén Puerto, A. J. (2024). Intimate partner violence attitudes: Who tolerates the most?. International Journal of Psychological Research, 17(1), 73–81.
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Aim: to identify whether demographic variables, the type and length of romantic relationships, and alcohol consumption were risk factors related to attitudes toward intimate partner violence (IPV). Method: 723 adults filled the IPVAS and a demographic survey. Results: women were less likely to accept control; participants with technical education were more likely to tolerate control and abuse; those with secondary education were at higher risk to accept physical violence, while participants aged 26-35 were at lower risk; people who were dating someone were at higher risk to tolerate control but were at a lower risk to accept physical violence; and those who consume alcohol were more likely to accept abuse. Conclusion: As attitudes toward IPV may predict its future occurrence, research on variables modulating the association between attitudes and IPV execution can strengthen evidence to implement preventive actions, in which shaping attitudes towards IPV are the primary target.



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