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M. A. F. Rodrigues, S., & R. Cota, V. (2024). SynchroLINNce: toolbox for Neural Synchronization and Desynchronization Assessment in Epilepsy Animal Models. International Journal of Psychological Research, 17(2), 14–24. https://doi.org/10.21500/20112084.7329
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Epilepsy is a worldwide public health issue, given its biological, social, and economic impacts. Considering several open questions about synchronization and desynchronization mechanisms underlying epileptic phenomena, the development of algorithms and computational toolboxes for such analysis is highly relevant to their research. Moreover, given the recent developments of neurotechnology for epilepsy, it is essential to understand that proposals like computational tools may provide consistent data for closed-loop control systems, necessary in neuromodulation treatment alternatives, and for real-time monitoring systems to predict the occurrence of epileptic seizures. In the present work, SynchroLINNce, a freely distributable MATLAB toolbox designed to be used by epilepsy neuroscientists, including software-untrained), is proposed. Among its features, several functionalities such as recording visualization, digital filtering, and correlation analysis, as well as more specific methodologies, such as mechanisms for the automatic detection of epileptiform spikes, morphology analysis of these spikes, and their coincidence between channels are presented.



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