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Quiza-Montealegre, J. J., Quintero-Zea, A., Trujillo, N., & López, J. D. (2024). Functional Connectivity Analysis of Prejudice Among Colombian Armed Conflict Former Actors. International Journal of Psychological Research, 17(2), 36–46. https://doi.org/10.21500/20112084.7333
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Despite institutional efforts, reconciliation among former actors of the Colombian armed conflict has yet to be achieved, with prejudice being one direct driver of this drawback. We present an EEG-based functional connectivity study applied to four groups of former actors who completed an Implicit Association Test designed to measure prejudice toward victims or combatants. We analyzed seven measures of functional connectivity calculated in six different frequency bands and two experimental conditions. In the behavioral task, we found more prejudice toward victims from the same victims and more prejudice of civilians toward combatants. For the connectivity measures, we found differences in theta band among the victims’ and ex-paramilitaries’ groups concerning the civilians’ and ex-guerrillas’ groups, and differences in the beta2 band among the victims’ and ex-guerrillas’ groups concerning the ex-paramilitaries’ group. The results help us design more effective socio-cognitive interventions to reduce prejudice.



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