

Cómo citar
A. Sedó, M. (2008). "trazados orales": un test neurológico multicultural con bajos requerimientos académicos. International Journal of Psychological Research, 1(1), 20–26. https://doi.org/10.21500/20112084.961
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"TRAIL MAKING TEST" (TMT) is a two-part neuropsychological test we cannot administer to younger or less educated subjects, or to any subjects who have not learned the sequence of the letters of the alphabet; its two trails also have dissimilar length. This oral version is based on the mental routine of reciting 20 numbers from one to 20, paired at random with four recurrent fruits. On the color-interfered part B the subjects must inhibit a response and switch to another. Parts A and B correlated .66 y .70 with the TMT. OTT appears to explore executive functions in cross-cultural populations with subjects that we are now unable to test.

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