

How to Cite
Eslava G., S., Sanchez, C., & Muñoz Morales, C. (2013). A system level hardware/software partition of a mimo-ofdm system for systemc modeling. Ingenium, 14(28), 95–108. https://doi.org/10.21500/01247492.1337
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This paper presents the design process and description at the system level of a communication system based on Multiple Input-Multiple Output and Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM). These are used in fourth generation (4G) systems, due to the performance improvement when facing rapidly changing wireless environments. Hardware/software partitioning is taken under consideration for the design, with developed criteria for measuring system performance. The design and validation of the system is made using SystemC language. This is part of a research work, carried out in order to study and establish an appropriate methodology for Hardware/Software co-design.


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