

Cómo citar
Gutierrez de Blume, A. P., Rhodes, S., & Bryck, R. L. (2024). Metacognitive Awareness among Middle School Adolescents: Development and Validation of a Shortened Version of the MAI, Jr. Psychologia, 18(2), 55–66. https://doi.org/10.21500/19002386.7034
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Precise and accurate measurement of metacognitive phenomena has never been more necessary than in today’s fast-paced world in which vast quantities of information are readily available to the learner. The MAI, Jr. (see Sperling et al., 2002) is a widely used, 18-question, self-report measure of metacognitive awareness. However, this measure has not been re-examined for construct validity and internal consistency since its inception in 2002. In this manuscript we report on our findings of a 2-year study in which we worked to validate a shortened version of the MAI, Jr. Over the course of 2 years, 601 students in grades 6-8 participated in our study. In each year, data was examined using exploratory factor analysis with common factor extractions (principal axis factoring [PAF]) and oblique rotations (promax). The results of this study support the validation of a shortened, 7-item, scale. We discuss why shorter measures with appropriate construct validity and internal consistency are preferred. 

Palabras clave:


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