Peer evaluation process

All the articles received will be initially evaluated by the editorial and scientific committee of the journal. Those articles that do not comply with the journal's policy, interests and editorial standards will be rejected at this stage.

The articles that pass this first evaluation will be sent to two external evaluators with experience and knowledge in the area in order to provide feedback and decide on their possible acceptance for publication. The arbitration process is carried out through the "double-blind" methodology, in order to guarantee objectivity in the evaluation.

The editor's decision, based on the concept of the evaluators, may be:

1. Acceptance of the article: the article may be published without any changes.

2. Accepted with corrections: the article must be subject to minor changes; Once made by the author, corrections will be evaluated again by peers.

3. Pending approval: the article must be reworked and submitted again, in which case the submission process must be started from the beginning.

4. Not approved: the article is not approved for publication in the journal.

The Committee reserves the right to accept or not the articles to be published in each issue of the journal. Acceptance of the article for publication implies the assignment of the rights of reproduction and dissemination in any physical or electronic media to the Universidad de San Buenaventura, Bogota.

-  Article correction

The authors will receive the evaluation reports so that they can make the suggested improvements. Papers that are evaluated and require modifications must be returned within a maximum period of 15 days.

The authors of accepted articles, before the final edition, will receive a message through the OJS Editorial Management System:

  • The manuscript in Word format with suggestions from the editor (after proofreading)

  • Proofs for correction in PDF format. In both cases, a maximum period of 5 days is given for sending your approval or corrections. Only minor corrections can be made to the content of the original manuscript already evaluated.

  • The English translated version of the article will also be sent to you for your review and approval.