

How to Cite
Cerquera, A., Granados, F., & Buitrago, A. (2012). Overload in caregivers for patients with Alzheimer dementia. Psychologia, 6(1), 35–45. https://doi.org/10.21500/19002386.1169
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This study´s objective was to determine the overload levels of caretakers for patients with Alzheimer dementia. The sample was selected by convenience. The main task had to be the care and support of a relative with this disease. 52 caretakers were evaluated, without regard of age, gender, race or religion. The overload evaluation was done using the Overload Scale of Caretaker Zarit Test, which seeks to identify the level of overload. Social demographic data was simultaneously organised and analysed using the SPSS version 1.9 statistics program. Results show that 65.4% did not file overload, 17.3% presents mild overload and the same percentage presents severe overload. It was determined that social demographic data such as highly educated, high socioeconomic status and relationship are related to the overload.



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