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Sexuality is usually a taboo, even more if we talk about this in the older adults, because is considerate that they are not suitables to live it and much less to enjoy it like a young person. For this reason two items were taken from the questionnaire “Actitudes hacia la sexualidad en la vejez” developed by Orozco y Rodríguez in 2006, which was adapted to Floridablanca context. With this we want to know thought a non-experimental, transversal descriptive design, the perceptions that 107 teenagers, 68 adults and 153 older people have about the right of elderly people to love and have a sexual life and the fact that widowed elderly people start again a relationship. The answers obtained in front of this myths, were positives in the three population age groups, most of them claimed to be agree with the items. The age group that had the most negative perception although in a small percentage (5,9% y 20,6% for the first and second item respectively) was teenagers. In conclusion, love and sexuality continue to be matters of great importance in human life, even in advanced stages of the vital life cycle. However, each age group has its own perceptions of it, which may limit or facilitate its expression and enjoyment even in old age.