

How to Cite
Poblete Toloza, Y. del P., & Jiménez Figueroa, A. E. (2013). Psychosocial intervention proposal in self-determination, social skills and entrepreneurial capacity: contribution from psychology to the integration of entrepreneurs women with intellectual disabilities. Psychologia, 7(2), 55–67. https://doi.org/10.21500/19002386.1204
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It constructs an intervention on subjective well-being, self-determination, social skills and entrepreneurship in women microentrepreneurs

with intellectual disabilities from a diagnosis realized in 20 women with intellectual disabilities.It administered a battery of five instruments:

Satisfaction Scale life Diener et ál (1984), subjective happiness scale Lyubomirsky and Lepper (1999), Self-Concept Scale (La Rosa

y Díaz, 1999), Questionnaire social skills Goldstein (1999) and Entrepreurship Questionnaire (Spencer & Spencer, 1993). The descriptive

analysis indicates that women in the sample expressed high levels of development of their self-concept (self-determination) (x = 382.6,

σ = 53.32), social skills (x = 91.6, σ = 6, 65) and subjective well-being, both in subjective happiness (x = 21.45, σ = 3.96) and life

satisfaction (x = 27.85, σ = 5.79) and moderate levels of entrepreneurial ability (x = 65.85, σ = 5,66). An adequate level for all variables

in women in the sample, the proposed intervention focusing on enhancing their skills and competencies, developing parallel knowledge to

support existing ones.



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