

How to Cite
Delgado, A. (2016). Measuring emotion perception with the Rasch model. Psychologia, 10(2), 27–32. https://doi.org/10.21500/19002386.2330
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Recognizing and labeling emotion expressions are abilities in whose study psychology and the neurosciences are increasingly interested; disorders such as autism, schizophrenia and depression are characterized by difficulties in recognizing others’ emotions. The finding of sex differences favoring women in Emotion Perception (EP) has been replicated cross-culturally, and so it can be used as validity evidence. In this instrumental design study, some 28 items were constructed and tested by means of the Rasch model (RM) in a Spanish community sample (102males and 102 females; age range=18-65). Data-model fit was good enough. Person measures show that the test was easy (range= –.60 to 4.14 logits). Even so, the predicted sex differences favoring women were found, d= -.36 (disattenuated d= -.50). That no item showed sex-related Differential Item Functioning (DIF) and that the constructed variable has interval scale properties add confidence to the effect size estimated value. The construction of an interval scale on which EP items and persons are conjointly represented offers quantitative information and allows the discovery of unexpected response patterns.



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