

How to Cite
Dominguez-Lara, S. A., & Sánchez-Carreño, K. L. (2017). Using cognitive emotion regulation when disapprove a test: the role of academic self-efficacy in college students. Psychologia, 11(2), 99–112. https://doi.org/10.21500/19002386.2716
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The research about cognitive emotional regulation (cognitive coping) is of big importance in the academic context, where several stressful events are present, and it is necessary to implement strategies to minimize their emotional impact. In this sense, the academic self-efficacy (ASE) would be related to the use of some strategies, which could lead the student to a more adaptive performance throughout the period of studies, especially when he disapproves of an test. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the association between ASE and cognitive coping strategies in front of the situation of disapproving a test in a sample of 150 psychology students (74% women, Mage = 22.38). Was used the Cognitive Emotional Regulation Questionarie - 18, whose instructions focused on the exam disapproval situation, and the Single Item Academic Self-Efficacy, which would represent the perceived ASE grades. The results indicate that when more ASE, the more frequent the use of strategies such as Acceptance and Refocus on planing; and a low AA is related with Rumination and Catastrophizing. The theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed.



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