

How to Cite
Casari, L. M., Moran, V. E., & Ison, M. S. (2017). Personal style of the therapist questionnarie: confirmatory factor analysis with Argentinian psychotherapist. Psychologia, 11(2), 69–84. https://doi.org/10.21500/19002386.2725
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The objective was to evaluate the psychometric properties of five different versions of the Personal Style Therapist Questionnaire (PST-Q), which evaluate five functions of therapeutic activity: Attentional (seeking information), Operational (therapeutic interventions), Instructional (establishment of the therapeutic setting), Expressive (degree of emotional expressiveness) and Involvement (commitment).471 therapist participate in this study, who completed the original version of the PST-Q, consisting of 36 items. Adjustment indicators of the five models PST-Q available were then compared. As a result, the version of the PST-Q with best adjustment indicator was the Portuguese one made of 20 items, although the reliability was not satisfactory. Theoretical and practical implications were discussed for psychotherapy research.



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