

How to Cite
Preciado Duarte, N. Y., Trujillo Madrigal, D., & Rojas Espitia, H. F. (2018). Anxiety, Depression, Stress and Perceived Social Support in the Hospitalization Process of the Hospital of San José at Bogotá- Colombia. Psychologia, 12(1), 71–87. https://doi.org/10.21500/19002386.3263
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Presence of anxiety, depression, stress and social support perceived was determined in the hospitalization process, in a probabilistic sample of 232 people, with a protocol that included Semistructured Interviews, Beck’s Depression Inventory (BDI), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) (anxiety subscale), Social Support Interview based on the Zimet’s scale and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-14). The results include 55% depression and 16% anxiety, average stress of 24.50 DE: 7.45 and higher perceived social support from families and significant others’s side. About sociodemographic variables, greater depression was found in late male adults, unmarried with long hospitalization. Anxiety and perceived stress was higher in single women who have short hospitalization, finally perceived social support
was lower in adult men, married and with average hospital stay. It is concluded, that is fundamental to merge on the relationship of the studied variables in order to get an accurate and appropriate treatment with a biopsychosocial approach in according to the literature.



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