

How to Cite
Redondo Pacheco, J., Luzardo Briceño, M., Inglés Saura, C. J., & Rivas Rivero, E. (2018). Cyberbullying in a Sample of Adolescents from Bucaramanga Educational Institutions. Psychologia, 12(1), 35–44. https://doi.org/10.21500/19002386.3366
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Actually, the he forms of communication have changed due to the rapid evolution of the new technologies, which have been constituting a persuasive, useful and even fundamental tool, but which have also led to the execution of symbolic violence in children, Girls and adolescents. In Colombia, the phenomenon of cyberbullying has been little studied at the present time, so the objective of this study was to analyze and describe the incidence of cyberbullying through the new technologies of information and communication, examining the possible differences that may arise regarding the educational grade. The sample consisted of 1080 adolescent students from four schools in Bucaramanga and its metropolitan area (Colombia) (boys N = 437, girls N = 643). The results indicated that 17.4% and 21.8% (through the cell phone and internet, respectively) of the participants have been victims of cyberbullying at least once, in a time less than or equal to 1 month, for most victims. In addition, the results indicate that, with regard to the cell phone, there were no significant differences in the presentation of cyberbullying according to the educational grades studied while, in terms of internet, the only differences found have to do with aggression of harassment in the sixth grade and the violation of intimacy violation in the tenth grade.



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