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Riveros-Munévar, F., Salamanca-Chacón, S.-A., Paredes-Estevez, S., Carvajal-Ovalle, D., Umbarila-Contreras, L.-I., Hernández-Mateus, V., Gómez-Arbeláez, E., Candamil-Barahona, L., Herrera-Moreno, D., Cueva-Nuñez, M.-A., Acevedo, M.-C., & Venegas-Muñóz, F. (2018). Attitudes Toward the Psychologist Professional Work in Bogotá: a Descriptive Comparative Study According to Therapy Time. Psychologia, 12(1), 103–113. https://doi.org/10.21500/19002386.3423
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The objective of this investigation was to determine the attitude toward the psychologist professional work in a Bogotá sample, according to the psychological therapy´s time. It has been made a descriptive study with a group comparative
method, and the »Attitude toward the Psychologist Professional Work” was used in a scale to a Bogotá sample of 540 people. A neutral attitude was founded, toward the psychologist professional work, highlihting a better attitude of women in comparation with men’s attitude. Nevertheless the most favorable attitude of the sample was from people who received psychological therapy for more time, attitude that gets worse after 6 months.



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