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This article presents two alternative indices for the evaluation and interpretation of crystallized abilities derived from the WISC-IV- Argentine version, the lexical knowledge index (Gc-VL) and the general information index (Gc-K0). To
this end, we worked with a sample of 1,036 cases. The confirmatory factor analysis revealed high indices that validated the new scores, and the reliability analysis was satisfactory. In turn, the results revealed correlations between the verbal comprehension index (VCI) of the WISC-IV and the new alternative indexes. Finally, differences were found in the Gc-VL and Gc-K0 scores, and the educational climate of the home. Although the WISC-IV proposes four composite indices and a global measurement of intelligence (VCI, RPI, WMI, PSI and QI), following the contributions of the Cattell-Horn-Carroll theory (CHC), it is recommended to implement these alternative scores in a normative and ipsative context that favor and enrich the study of the crystallized capacities of the examinee.
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