

How to Cite
Martínez Arrieta, K. T., Vargas Rubio, C. V., & Acosta, M. R. (2019). Stroke Secondary to HELLP Syndrome and its Cognitive Implications. Psychologia, 13(2), 67–78. https://doi.org/10.21500/19002386.3797
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Stroke is a clinical condition that has between one of its risk factors high blood pressure. In gestation, the complexity of this condition can lead to a severe hypertensive picture, commonly known as HELLP syndrome, which is one of the most complex variations of gestational hypertension, which leads to multiple alterations in the Health of those who suffer from it. Most studies in the area have focused on knowing its etiology epidemiology, and physical consequences of this syndrome; however little information exists on long-term cognitive sequel when the mother experiences a complicated pregnancy following a severe hypertensive condition. The present study aimed to analyze the case of a woman with HELLP syndrome with a complication of brain stem encephalopathy and her subsequent cognitive profile. It was performed a descriptive analysis of neuropsychological exploration and compared the results with normative data. Among the results were difficulties in all areas of functioning and cognitive impairment secondary to clinical basis. In conclusion, gestational hypertension is most severe when it´s combined with vascular involvement. This affects cognition, which has a negative impact on the life of the woman in different areas of adjustment.


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