

How to Cite
Eidman, L., Bender, V., Arbizu, J., Lamboglia, A. T., & Correa del Valle, L. (2020). Emotional, psychological and social well-being in Argentine adults in the context of a COVID-19 pandemic. Psychologia, 14(2), 69–80. https://doi.org/10.21500/19002386.4851
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The aim of this study was to determine the emotional, psychological and social well-being in Argentinian adults during the COVID-19 pandemic context. The applied methodological design was cross-sectional not experimental, under descriptive study and group difference modalities. It was used a sample of 888 participants residing in different Argentina provinces, rating ages between 18 and 84 years old (Mage = 36.98; SD = 15.37; 51.2 % Female, 48.8 % Male). The results reported a majority susceptibility to experiencing languishing levels of mental health. People who were at the languishing pole of the mental health continuum presented lower levels of psychological well-being. 56.2 % of the participants reported that most of the time they seek to express their emotions within their close circle, and 43 % reported maintaining contact with beloved ones virtually. A higher level of emotional, psychological and social wellbeing was found in people who was able to express their emotions and kept in contact with their beloved ones virtually. In the face of the epidemiological situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Argentinean adults presented significant alterations in the levels of emotional, psychological and social well-being with a predominance of a state of languishing mental health.


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