

How to Cite
allahyari, E. (2020). Differential item functioning analysis of the Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i) across gender and age groups: an iterative hybrid ordinal logistic regression. Psychologia, 14(2), 95–105. https://doi.org/10.21500/19002386.4894
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There has been a heated debate on emotional intelligence (EI) and, more particularly, on the Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i) measuring all dimensions of emotional intelligence. To ensure measurement equivalence of EQ-i, the present article evaluated whether statements phrased in EQ-i questionnaire have equivalent meaning across respondents, regardless of their sex and age group membership. For 2,078 participants, three EI subscale (item 50 in reality testing, items 4 and 19 in stress tolerance, and items 7, 52, and 82 in interpersonal) for age groups had clinically significant Differential item functioning (DIF). So previous observed associations between EI and age might be misleading and deserve further study after removing or replacing DIF items.


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