

How to Cite
Casari, L. M., Daher, C., Arroyo, M. J., González, D. F., Morán, V. E., & Ison, M. S. (2021). Propiedades psicométricas de la versión argentina de la escala revisada de ansiedad y depresión infantil (RCADS) . Psychologia, 15(1), 13–30. https://doi.org/10.21500/19002386.5179
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The objectives of this article were: to evaluate the validity and reliability of the Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale (RCADS). Specifically, content validity, construct validity and criterion validity were assessed, in addition to reporting the reliability index. The sample consisted of 284 boys and girls whose ages ranged from 8 to 12 years, from the province of Mendoza, Argentina. The following instruments were used: Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale, the Child Depression Questionnaire (CDI), and the Positive Emotions Questionnaire (CIEP). To evaluate content validity, 10 expert judges were summoned, and an acceptable degree of agreement was found regarding the congruence of the items to the evaluated factors. The construct validity was evaluated by comparing alternative models of the RCADS, finding good fit indices for a model of five factors and 25 items, as well as acceptable index of reliability. Finally, significant positive correlations were found with the CDI and significant negative correlations with the CIEP. The results are discussed based on the previous research, and weakness of these research are pointed out.


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