

How to Cite
De la Hoz Escorcia, J., Bolaños García, R., Fernandez Daza, M., Acosta Barreto, R., Mejía Zuluaga, C., Montoya Arenas, D. A., Corrales Benedetti, J. de J., Beltrán Espitia, M., & Fernández Cardona, A. (2023). Diferencias e influencia en la Conducta Adaptativa por las regiones colombianas. Psychologia, 17(1), 71–83. https://doi.org/10.21500/19002386.6280
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The present research aimed to describe the differences and influence of Colombia geographic regions on Specific Adaptive Skills and Domains of Adaptive Behavior in Colombian children between 0-15 years of age without neurodevelopmental alterations and without etiology of cerebral disease. 2081 Colombian children´s parents and teachers participated, divided into 4 regions: Andean, Caribbean, Orinoquía and Pacific. The ABAS-II questionnaire was applied the chindren´s parent version to parents of children from 0 to 1,11 years and the school parents`and school teachers` versions to parents and teachers of children from 2 to 15 years of age. The results indicated that there are statistically significance differences between the children of the different regions, the highest results being those of the Pacific region and the lowest those of the Orinoquía region. It is considered with the results that it is important to take into account the cultural, social, environmental and historical aspects of each region of the country for the evaluation of their adaptive behavior; these differences do not mark or indicate greater susceptibility to pathology, but rather cultural variations within of the terms considered as the expected.


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