

How to Cite
Restrepo Betancur, L. F. (2024). Comparative analysis between regions of the world related to the consumption of psychoactive substances in the last three decades. Psychologia, 18(1), 61–71. https://doi.org/10.21500/19002386.6552
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The consumption of psychoactive substances (PAS) has addictive effects that modify the addict's thinking, mind and spirit, and not only generates a latent risk that affects people's health, but also has negative consequences for society itself, such as greater economic investment in health, the presence of street dwellers, and an increase in crime, among other aspects. The objective of this study was to evaluate the statistics related to the consumption of psychoactive substances worldwide in the last three decades. For the analysis of the information, the multivariate technique of variance MANOVAwith orthogonal canonical contrast was used, and the SAS University statistical package was used to process the information. As an outstanding result, statistical divergence was found between regions, with North America occupying the first place followed by Asia and Oceania. The highest number of deaths due to disorders related to PAS consumption occurs in people under 49 years of age. The accelerated increase and abuse of PAS is generating high rates of morbidity and mortality globally. It is a priority to act urgently from all fronts, health professionals, political and community leaders, educational entities and the family nucleus, to control this problem and try to reduce the consumption and abuse of PAS.


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