

How to Cite
Mancera Pérez, K. N., Gale Jacome, L. M., & Correa Duarte, E. M. (2024). Gambling dependence and online wagering in students of the Pontificia Bolivariana University, Bucaramanga sectional. Psychologia, 18(1), 13–22. https://doi.org/10.21500/19002386.6621
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Pathological gambling is a serious problem affecting the entire population, especially the youngest, considering the university population the least studied. The general objective of this study was to characterize gambling dependence and online betting on students of the Pontificia Bolivariana University, Bucaramanga sectional, as well as identify the sociodemographic variables and presence of dependence on gambling in the population studied. The methodology used in this study was a quantitative approach of non-experimental type, a cross-sectional and descriptive design, with a non-probabilistic type of sampling. The participation of 366 adult undergraduate and graduate students was obtained. The instruments used were the Pathological Gambling Brief Questionnaire (CBJP), the Colombian version of the South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS) and a questionnaire of sociodemographic data. The data analysis was done through the SPSS version 27 software. Among the results, it is highlighted that, of the 366 participants, 110 of these bets online, and approximately 30% have possible pathological gambling according to CBJP, with the SOGS it is shown that 31,8% are probable pathological players; There is a higher prevalence of online gambling and betting in men, it’s highlighted that most women have no problems with gambling, on the contrary, in men, there’s a prevalence in some problems with gambling.


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