

How to Cite
Bolívar Osorio, R. M. (2013). Modes of existence of the strategy of research hotbeds in Colombia as expressions of the understanding of the relationship between formative research and research in a strict sense of the term: multiple interpretations and diverse practices. Ágora USB, 13(2), 433–441. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.113
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This article is the result of the research project entitled “Path and impact of the strategy of research hotbeds at University of Antioquia, for the University and the local and national context.” In particular, it examines the relationship between two concepts that have been incorporated into the speech in research training of all Colombian universities: Formative research and Research in the strict sense of the term. The results reflect the coexistence of a multiplicity of theoretical-methodological approaches in which those relationships are expressed, which in the long run, end up by identifying the strategies under which researchers are currently being trained in Colombia. It can be concluded that it is necessary a deep debate about the pedagogical conditions for the training of researchers. It is a pending task for an academic community, which in some cases, has uncritically received the documents of national policy.



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