

How to Cite
Herrera Arenas, E. (2008). Anti-union violence in colombia: “evolutions and paradoxes.”. Ágora USB, 8(1), 147–160. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.1527
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This article shows the results of a piece of research carried out by the Labor Union National School concerning the issue of Anti-union violence Colombia is going through. Such a brief shows figures and statistical data which let us identify the magnitude of the crisis the Labor Union Movement faces in terms of respect (aggressions and violations coming from different armed sectors, the management, and the State) in view of guaranteeing and defending the Human Rights, especially in the Union sector. It has been intended to show that such a phenomenon is supplied with a diffuse and indiscriminate violence, as it is claimed by the government, but these  explications have a political and media impact which aims at hiding the real dimension of the problem. It is about, on the contrary, of an aggression marked by the systematic, permanent, and selective violations which clearly show that this kind of violence must be considered as a very serious fact of political nature against the Colombian Labor Union Movement



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