

How to Cite
Atuesta Venegas, M. del R., Ceballos Moncada, A. F., & Gómez Alvis, R. (2016). Co-creation as a methodology for the social appropriation of science and technology (ascyt) of the water resource. a urabá, antioquia (colombia) case. Ágora USB, 16(1), 277–286. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.2176
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This article shares the methodological approach developed by the program “Experiences Teaching Travelling Public Enterprises of Medellin Water Museum” supported by Colciencias and developed by the Public Enterprises of Medellin (EPM) Foundation and EAFIT University in Colombia, which implemented a strategy of focusing on processes of cocreation community participation, in order to take distant communities from the Antioquia territory, options to develop processes of knowledge, understanding, and relationship with water resource, based on scientific information and experiences of the Public Enterprises of Medellin Water Museum in Colombia.



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