

How to Cite
Espinosa Menéndez, N. (2012). Horizontality, expression, and shared knowledge: an approach on psychosocial processes of accompaniment to victims of political violence in Colombia. Ágora USB, 12(2), 289–327. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.223
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The following article presents a deep discussion about the processes of psychosocial intervention with victims of political violence, in the light of their life stories in a context of research on the role of memory in the reconstruction of the social fabric. The category of the psychosocial emerged as a result of these life stories and discussion groups and allowed a critical look at the intervention processes that take place in Colombia, from the voice and the testimony of the participants. Finally, it also collects proposals from this same voice, that of the people, and forms of action involving a revision to the individualistic, pathological, vertical, technocratic, and bureaucratic models of the action, to propose comprehensive and systemic actions for the recovery of dignity and the subjective transformation from participation, dialogue of knowledge, playful and performative expression, and horizontal relationships, mutual support and construction of citizenship and subjectivity of rights.



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