

How to Cite
Vega Mendoza, V. H., & Ruiz Canizales, R. (2017). Sustainable Development and Decent Housing as a Point of Social Progress. Ágora USB, 17(1), 245–254. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.2822
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The main purpose is to show the extent to which the sustainable development is critical in the agenda of new public policies that seek a wide scope, in the long run. The overall issue is unable to solve local problems within a modern and changing context. The current tendency of “loss of quality of life” forces cities to change their perspective of progress, and in that way, well-being will directly depend on the existing social development. Through a context analysis, a successful policy of quality of life is shared, since aesthetics must be made aware without underestimating their potential when it comes to recovering the zone. The result is that the perception of crisis is imminent due to the problems associated with growth. For this purpose, fast and consistent solutions in the use of instruments of physical planning have been adopted, which only turn complaints into specialized issues. It is concluded that the modern city, as we know it, is in serious danger, threatened with extinction thanks to its modus operandi, and in that regard, the local main variable must solve people’s well-being, without underestimating their environment.



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